Tag: pain
Connected Separately
We are certainly connected by some ethereal twine,Absorbing our individual bumps and bruises,Yet feeling pain on the other end of the line.We are distanced yet close,lovers but hating,unforgiven and forgiven all the same. You may not feel the same as me, but nonetheless I feel.And feeling is second-best to having you, so feeling must do.…
Give Every Day
And we feed this vacuous empty with noise and light, technology and companionship, and turn our back on that which will satisfy. We deny our core values and whitewash our filthiness in an effort to manifest a semblance of trust and maturity. In our hearts we pump a steady stream of “love”, and yet we…
Silence in the Sierra Nevadas
Now, I’m sitting next to a cold mountain stream. At around 9,000 feet, taking in the stillness of the air, and the sun peeking through the trees. Shawn and I will camp here tonight, somewhere near North Lake, outside of Bishop. The Land Cruiser struggles at this elevation, but it’s fine – It was a…